Every day we have a different activity for our Young Adult Day Program (YADP). We want to encourage participants who are no longer at school to continue their growth by remaining active and involved in the community, and to learn something new everyday! Whether it’s in our numeracy & literacy class, or practicing life skills in our purpose built kitchen, or even taking photos of wildlife, there’s something to be gained for everyone.
So what does a week look like for the YADP?
Mondays – learning valuable life skills to increase our independence and self-sufficiency
Tuesdays – immerse yourself in an educational day with our in-house Special Education Teacher
Wednesdays – a day of fitness and outdoor activity for a healthy body and mind
Thursdays – get your hiking boots on and lets see the wonders that await us in the great outdoors
Friday – lets unwind for the end of the week and have a day filled with fun activities
Does that sound like a great way to spend your week? I think yes.